Terms and conditions

Dernière mise à jour : 01.08.2024

www.geneva-house-cleaners.ch belongs to Global House Cleaners Sàrl. The conditions of its use are detailed below.


The Website: www.geneva-house-cleaners.ch

TCS: Terms and conditions of sale

The user Any person browsing the website

Client : User of the services

General terms

The beneficiaries of the services of Global House Cleaners Sàrl must be of age (18 years old).

All reservations or recurring services made via the website or by any other means must be approved by Global House Cleaners Ltd., who will assign a cleaning professional to you. However, for planning purposes, and during busy periods, Global House Cleaners Ltd. may refuse your reservation and proceed to a full refund of your service.

Global House Cleaners Sàrl offers its services only in Switzerland.

Les services vendus sur le site web de Global House Cleaners Sàrl sont ensuite gérées par ses collaborateurs et exécuté par les agents de nettoyage qui sont employés directement par Global House Cleaners Sàrl.

The present general conditions represent the contract between Global House Cleaners Ltd. and the customers/users/visitors of the website. Access to the website represents acceptance of these terms and conditions. By accessing/browsing the website you acknowledge that you have read and accepted these conditions.

Disputes arising from these terms and conditions of use of the website shall be governed by Swiss law.

The website and all its contents belong exclusively to Global House Cleaners Sàrl and may not be used by third parties for any reason whatsoever.

© 2024 Global House Cleaners Sàrl, Tous droits réservés. 

1. Contractual conditions

The prices indicated on the website via the reservation forms are in CHF and represent final prices.

  • Le prix de base à l’heure pour un nettoyage unique est de 45 CHF.

There is a minimum of two (2) hours per week for this service. If the service is completed sooner than scheduled, the price remains the same and the client will be charged for the time previously scheduled.

If the service requires more time than the hours booked, Global House Cleaners Ltd. reserves the right to:

  • Bill overtime in 15-minute increments (if the employee is available)
  • If the employee is not available, the employee has the right to leave the premises

All additional services considered as extras add time to the hourly rate and are in addition to the hours initially selected.

Global House Cleaners Sàrl reserves the right to modify at any time the planned discounts due to recurrences.

The entirety of the prices posted on the site can be modified at any time, without any notice from Global House Cleaners Sàrl, without justification and without its responsibility being called into question. Any service concluded and confirmed in advance will have to be honored at the prices posted before the modification. 

2. Conclusion of a service, terms and conditions of payment 

2.1. Start and End of the reports

a) One-time services
For one-time services, the relationship between the parties begins once the pick-up confirmation e-mail is received and ends once the service is consumed.

b) Recurring services
For recurring services, the relationship between the parties begins once the acceptance confirmation e-mail is received and is concluded for an indefinite period.

c) Concierge services
For concierge services, the relationship between the parties begins once the quotation has been signed and approved by the customer, and is concluded for the period agreed on the quotation.

d) Payroll
For salary management services, the relationship between the parties starts once Global House Cleaners Ltd. receives documents related to the management of the employee of the principal. The service is concluded for one year at least.

e) In case of non-payment
In case of non-payment, Global House Cleaners reserves the right to terminate the contract immediately.

2.2. Services

a) Cleaning services

Punctual : A punctual service is a service usually reserved without particular recurrence, this service can be contracted via the reservation form on the website. A confirmation by email will be sent to you to validate the booking.

Recurring : A recurring service is a regular service (every day, every week), scheduled in advance for fixed dates and an indefinite period.

b) Janitorial services
Concierge services can be contracted with natural or legal persons. They are subject to an estimate that will specify, in addition to the general conditions below, any conditions specific to the execution of the mission.

c) Salary management
Les services de gestion salariale peuvent être demandés via l’envoie d’un formulaire d’adhésion. Des frais administratifs de CHF 150.- HT seront facturés lors de l’enregistrement de chaque nouvel employé. Le tarif mensuel pour la gestion des salaires sera ensuite de CHF 35.- HT. Global House Cleaners Sàrl vous assiste dans la gestion de votre employé(e) et ne se place à aucun moment comme étant l’employeur.

2.3 Terms, modification or cancellation

a) Cleaning services

Limits of the service

Although every cleaning is backed by a promise of satisfaction. There are some limitations regarding unique situations and areas that require a specialist to clean. Global House Cleaners Ltd. ne promet PAS l’élimination des taches telles que la rouille, la moisissure ou autres causées par l’accumulation d’eau ou le manque d’entretien. All aisles must be kept free of clutter. We require notification of items or surfaces requiring special care. We are NOT responsible for damage due to faulty and/or improper installation of any item/material. All surfaces (i.e. marble, granite, hardwood floors, etc.) are assumed to be sealed and ready to be cleaned without causing damage. Furniture placed on wood floors is assumed to have adequate protection. The customer is responsible for providing specific handling or cleaning instructions for items or surfaces requiring special care.

Cleaning services do not include services such as clutter removal, deep cleaning of surfaces that have not been cleaned for more than four weeks, excessive trash removal, mold removal, pet waste, human waste and the like. Services to meet these conditions may be added to the service, but at an additional charge.

Global House Cleaners Ltd. will not be required to perform any of the tasks below, nor any task that is beyond the scope of the services agreed upon between Global House Cleaners Ltd. and the client.

  • Cleaners will not move appliances. If you need or want cleaning to take place behind or under an appliance, you must arrange for those appliances to be moved.
  • Cleaners will not clean anything above arm's reach, except with the aid of a two-step stool if provided by the customer.
  • Cleaners will not clean in a home that contains hazardous materials. For more information, please visit this page.
  • Any instance of excessive congestion that prevents cleaners from walking, reaching home surfaces and completing the appointment will result in cancellation of the appointment and a late cancellation fee will be charged.
  • Cleaners will not be able to complete a job if there are pests or rodents in the home.

Working conditions

Global House Cleaners Ltd. reserves the right to cancel the scheduled service if there is no access to electricity, lighting or water. The client must confirm that there will be running water and sufficient electricity and lighting. Cancellation fees will be charged in these situations where water and/or electricity are not available.


Global House Cleaners Sàrl will bring cleaning products to clean your home if you have requested them. However, if you have special products that you would like to use on particular surfaces, we are happy to accommodate your request. We cannot guarantee the quality of cleaning with supplies provided by the customer.


Global House Cleaners Ltd. has the right to cancel a scheduled service and charge a cancellation fee if it determines that a cleaning situation is too dangerous and/or unsafe for service.

Any form of inappropriate behavior, harassment or bigotry towards any employee or subcontractor of Global House Cleaners Sàrl will warrant cancellation of service with cancellation fees and cancellation of all future services with Global House Cleaners Sàrl. Legal action is reserved.

Purchase of materials by a cleaner

Global House Cleaners does not authorize the client to send the cleaner to purchase cleaning products or materials. To protect our cleaners and to define the limits of the work, the customer will have to prepare beforehand the material if it is not foreseen in the contract.

The purchase or provision of equipment must be requested from the company only, and not from the employee.

On-site payment

On-site payments are not permitted. For recurring services, payment must be made by invoice and paid monthly.

The client must not pay the collaborator on the spot - except in the case of a tip - unless explicitly agreed by the company.

Solicitation of our cleaners

Nous investissons massivement dans la formation et la vérification des antécédents afin d’engager des nettoyeurs de qualité pour nos services. L’embauche de nos nettoyeurs (actuels ou ceux employés par Global House Cleaners Sàrl au cours des 24 mois précédents) et/ou l’offre/la réception de propositions parallèles pendant que vous utilisez les Services jusqu’à 18 mois après votre dernier rendez-vous avec Global House Cleaners Sàrl vous rend responsable de des frais de référence d’emploi de CHF 10’000. En utilisant nos Services, vous acceptez de nous informer de toute tentative de sollicitation ou d’acceptation de services illégaux. Si vous enfreignez cette section, les frais d’avocat, juridiques et divers engagés pour enquêter et/ou percevoir ces frais seront ajoutés au frais déjà prévu, lorsqu’ils seront découverts. Veuillez noter que l’échange d’informations de contact est considéré comme faisant partie d’une violation de cette section (sauf autorisation explicite de la part de Global House Cleaners Sàrl).

Modification and cancellation of the service

A change can be made 48 hours in advance. If this deadline is not respected, the service is still due.

1)    Recurring services

a.    In the case of recurring relationships, the client may modify up to 2 reservations per year. Exceptions may be granted.

b.    The client can cancel up to 1 service per year. The balance remains due.

c. Services taking place on public holidays may be either 1) cancelled or 2) rescheduled depending on the availability of the agent and the customer.

2) If you are not satisfied with your cleaning, you must contact us within 24 hours of your cleaning. No complaints will be accepted after 24 hours. We ask you to make an initial and final visit with our cleaners. If your complaint is valid, the same cleaners may decide to return to resolve the issues within 24 hours of the initial booking, at their next availability. No discount or refund will be given if you have excused a visit for any reason. No refunds will be given once our cleaners have arrived.

2) If your home is in very poor condition (not cleaned in a long time, dirt build-up, mold, etc), we reserve the right to adjust the price once our cleaners see the condition of the home. We will always ask for your approval before adding any additional price. If you do not approve an additional price, our cleaners can only do the best they can and they will not be able to come back for an additional free cleaning, nor will they be able to spend any more time than originally agreed upon.


Vous pouvez annuler votre service jusqu’à 48 heures avant le nettoyage. Si vous annulez dans moins de 48 heures, une heure de nettoyage au tarif de CHF 45.- est due. La totalité du prix est due si le service est annulé moins de 24 heures avant le nettoyage.


Recurring services are concluded for an indefinite period and can be terminated with one (1) month's notice.

b) Janitorial services

Janitorial services cannot be cancelled, they can be rescheduled for an additional fee. Global House Cleaners Sàrl cannot be held responsible for events that are beyond its control.

c) Salary management

Global House Cleaners Sàrl supports the client administratively, in the salary management of these employees, including :

Contributions to cantonal compensation funds

The compulsory contributions to the cantonal compensation funds are calculated for the following compulsory social insurances

  • Swiss AHV pension
  • Invalidity insurance (AI)
  • APG
  • AC
  • CAF
  • Administration fees for the compensation fund

The cantonal compensation funds receive registrations and de-registrations for the following benefits:

  • family allowances (extra)
  • maternity benefits (extra)
  • allowances for loss of earnings (extra)

These services are not included in the fixed price and will be invoiced in addition, at the request of the principal.

Contributions to accident insurance and daily sickness benefits (LAA and IJM)

The principal must himself make the steps with his insurer in order to insure his staff against professional and non-professional accidents if more than 8 hours of work per week. Global House Cleaners Sàrl will not carry out its services as long as the principal will not have brought the proof of its subscription to an insurance.

Contributions to the pension fund in accordance with the LPP

All salaries above the monthly and annual BVG entry threshold of the respective year must be insured with the pension fund for occupational benefits determined by Global House Cleaners Ltd. 50% of the contributions to the pension fund are to be paid by the principal and 50% by his employees. It is expressly excluded that the contractual partner chooses for his employment another pension fund than the pension fund determined by Global House Cleaners Ltd.


The principal is obliged to determine at the beginning of an employment whether his employees are subject to withholding tax. All information necessary for the registration of the withholding tax must be provided to Global House Cleaners Ltd. by the principal within 14 days after the beginning of the employment. Global House Cleaners Ltd. reserves the right, in case of incomplete or late provision of this information, to charge the contractual partner the additional costs incurred at an hourly rate of CHF 120. Withholding taxes are payable by the client and paid directly to the cantonal tax authorities.

For employment relationships within the scope of the simplified accounting procedure, a flat-rate withholding tax is deducted for domestic employees in addition to the social insurance contributions and paid to the cantonal compensation funds.

Payments to employees

The principal must pay the wages and expenses of its employees by the last day of the month.

Other services :

  • Provision of employment contracts (extra)
  • Preparation of monthly salary statements (included)
  • Preparation of annual salary certificates (included)
  • Sample documents such as key receipts, termination letters, certificates, etc. (extra)


You can cancel your service, one month before the beginning of the next year by sending, by e-mail or mail a request for cancellation dated and signed. No refunds will be given for services performed during the year. Fees will be due and billed.

2.4. Terms of payment

a) Cleaning services

Any service concluded via the site, by telephone, e-mail or by any other means existing to contract a service, constitutes an obligation, and thus takes the form of a sales contract in due form.

Any order of service for private individual (private person) placed on the web site must be paid before the service is carried out. The payment will be considered as done and validated only when Global House Cleaners Sàrl will have received the integral payment of the sums indicated on each service via the website.

Si vous êtes un particulier, le paiement de votre commande s’effectue par carte de crédit uniquement, directement via le site web 24h avant le début de la prestation, ou par facture 48h avant le début de la prestation.

If you are a company (legal entity or individual), a request for a payment by invoice at 30 days can be made, Global House Cleaners Sàrl reserves the right to refuse your request without having to justify itself, in front of a refusal the only way to contract with Global House Cleaners Sàrl is to proceed to the integral payment before the beginning of the service via the Web site or by bank transfer at least 48 h before the beginning of the service.

As a reminder, any request made via the site must be validated beforehand by means of a confirmation e-mail.

b) Janitorial services

The terms of payment will be specified in each estimate. But in all cases a partial payment (deposit) must be received before the beginning of the service.

c) Salary management

All payroll services must be paid within the first 10 days of each month for the current month. The fee of CHF 150.00 (excl. VAT) for each new employee per year must be paid in order for Global House Cleaners Ltd. to start the procedures with the competent authorities.

Any extras will be added to the invoice for the month for which the service was requested.

3. Obligation of the user

3.1 Cleaning and janitorial services

The user is obliged to provide correct and complete information about himself/herself and all the parameters that allow for a fair assessment of the service to be provided.

In the event that this is not possible using the reservation form, the missing information should be specified as a reservation in the comments field.

All home visits proposed by Global House Cleaners Sàrl are used to establish the most accurate estimate possible. However the number of hours in the estimate, even after visit, remains an estimate. For this reason, the customer is required to report any changes no later than 2 days before the day of service. If changes are not reported on the day of the service, Global House Cleaners Ltd. is entitled to charge a supplement.

If the information provided by the user about the amount of work and/or what is to be cleaned differs significantly from the reality (difference of more than 10%) and this causes additional expenses for Global House Cleaners Ltd, the latter has the following rights:

  • Perform the service as originally specified by the user (and not take on more work than agreed),
  • or and only if the user agrees to Global House Cleaners Ltd. to be charged for the additional work required to complete the service in addition to the fee for the service originally specified. This change must be recorded on site using a form designed for this purpose.
  • If the user and Global House Cleaners Ltd. cannot agree on any of the above mentioned possibilities and if the user refuses to approve the service as originally specified, Global House Cleaners Ltd. reserves the right not to perform the additional work and not to grant any discount or refund.

Delay and other provisions

If the employee, through no fault of his own, is prevented from starting his mission on time due to the fault of the client, the latter is allowed to leave the premises within a 10-minute waiting period. This service will not be refunded.

3.2. Salary management

The user is obliged to provide correct and complete information about himself and the employee he wishes to employ.

In the event that this is not possible using the reservation form, the missing information should be specified as a reservation in the comments field.

The user of this service commits himself to pay in due time all the amounts related to his employee(s) directly to the responsible institution, i.e. to his compensation fund for social insurances, to his insurer for professional and non-professional insurances contracted, to the Tax Administration for the payment of a possible withholding tax.

The contractual partner commits himself to always give correct information to Global House Cleaners Ltd. and to make sure that the foreign employees have a valid work and residence permit.

Global House Cleaners Ltd. must be informed within 14 days about changes in the employment relationship or personal data of the user or his employees. In particular, it must announce the termination of the employment contract, illness, vacation, unpaid leave, etc.

If the user does not comply with the above obligations, the user will compensate Global House Cleaners Ltd. for all damages, costs and additional expenses (hourly rate of CHF 120.-) and Global House Cleaner Ltd. will be entitled to terminate the contract without notice and no refund will be granted.

4. Limitation of liability 

Your use of and browsing in the Global House Cleaners Ltd. website are at your sole risk.

Global House Cleaners Sàrl is exempt from any liability resulting from any direct or indirect damage caused by the use of the website except for the liabilities it explicitly bears under these conditions.

In no event shall Global House Cleaners Sàrl be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this website, including, but not limited to, any loss of business, loss of orders, loss of profits, loss of customers, loss of goodwill, loss of image, loss of business, loss of profits or loss of goodwill, or any claim by a third party against Global House Cleaners Sàrl.

5. Use of the Website 

By accessing the Global House Cleaners Ltd. website, you agree to use the website in a normal and non-abusive manner, and you agree not to steal data, attempt to hack into or extract private and confidential information belonging to Global House Cleaners Ltd.

6. Modification of the website 

Global House Cleaners Sàrl declines any responsibility in case of errors on the site, spelling mistakes or misunderstanding and reserves the right to update and modify the content of the website at any time. This may result in temporary inaccessibility to the website.

7. General provisions

As a cleaning company, Global House Cleaners Sàrl directly employs employees from all walks of life without regard to gender, nationality, age, sexual orientation, ability to express themselves in a language other than French, physical appearance, religion or any other difference.

Moreover, Global House Cleaners Sàrl reserves the right, in case of discrimination of one of its collaborators, to take all the necessary measures to compensate this or these last ones.

These measures may include:

  1. Immediate departure from the workplace by the employee
  2. Immediate termination of any contract
  3. Full payment of the cleaning service due within 48 hours or on the day of the incident
  4. Banishment and denunciation of the discriminator

For more information, please visit this page.

Réservez votre service en 2 clics !

Please write your message

De réduction sur votre premier nettoyage avec le code GHC10CLEAN